Personal Taxprep 2018.3

Notice: The information on this page is only for users of Personal Taxprep 2018. If you are using Personal Taxprep Classic 2018, consult the help available in the program.

Recalculate Data

Personal Taxprep allows you to recalculate the data in the active client file or a group of client files from the Client Manager.

This feature is very useful if you make a change in the preparer profile or in the rate table; this way you can avoid opening the client files one by one to recalculate them.

The following returnsclient files cannot be recalculated from the Client Manager:

  • Password-protected returnsclient files;
  • ReturnsClient files opened by you (when opened in the Client Manager) or by another user; and
  • ReturnsClient files for which you do not have the necessary write access to change the data.