Personal Taxprep 2018.3

Notice: The information on this page is only for users of Personal Taxprep 2018. If you are using Personal Taxprep Classic 2018, consult the help available in the program.

About Filters and Diagnostics

The filters allow you to manage the content of the list of files or clients available in the Client Manager. When the list of files or clients selected is thus filtered, reports can be printed or the Client Manager content can be exported.

Client filters and diagnostics enables all of the information that is in the returns to be extracted and presented in a column in the Client Manager or, in the case of diagnostics, in the diagnostics pane for the taxpayer.

The following are examples of reports that may be prepared and printed:

  • a report which follows up on the status of a preparer's returns throughout the preparation process;
  • a report identifying the returns containing a specific tax situation;
  • a list of the clients' names, addresses and telephone numbers;
  • a report identifying the clients based on the preparer or partner in charge.

Predefined filters and diagnostics are provided with Personal Taxprep; you can use these to create new filters or diagnostics that meet specific needs.