Choose a Label Format
Before printing labels, you need to set the label format that will be used by the program. The format specifies the number of labels that will be on a sheet, their size, and their spacing. It is possible to choose from several preset Avery formats.
To access the options for label formats, proceed as follows:
- On the Tools menu, click Options and Settings.
- Under Labels, click Template.

Click the Choose
a label format list and select one of the formats.
The list includes preset Avery formats and any customized formats you
have saved.

- First select the measurement unit you want to use to specify dimensions.
- Specify the top margin (the top margin is the space between the top edge of the sheet and the top edge of the first label) and side margins (the side margin is the space between the left side of the sheet and the left side of the first label.)
- Specify the vertical pitch (vertical pitch is the space between the top edge of a label and the top edge of the label beneath it) and horizontal pitch (horizontal pitch is the space between the left edge of a label and the left edge of the label to its right).
- Specify the height and width of the label.
- Indicate the number of labels (horizontal and vertical) on the page.
- If you want to cancel the changes, click Reset All to restore the selected format’s initial settings.

In the Save the format with a new name box, enter the name of the label format, then click OK to save the changes.