Find and Replace Text
The Letter Editor allows you to find and replace text.

To find text, proceed as follows:
- On the Edit menu, click Find.
- In the
Find what box, enter the text
to be found.
Select the Match case check box to find text using specified upper and lower case letters.
Select the Match whole word only check box to find whole words. - Click Find Next to start the search.
- To find the next occurrence, click Find Next again.
If you want to find the next occurrence of the last item that was searched for, on the Edit menu, click Find Next.

To replace text, proceed as follows:
- On the Edit menu, click Replace.
- In the Find what box, enter the text to be found.
Select the Match case check box to find text using specified upper and lower case letters.
Select the Match whole word only check box to find whole words. - In the Replace with box, enter the replacement text.
- Click Find Next to start the search.
- Click Replace to replace only the first occurrence of the text found.
Click Replace All to replace all occurrences of the text in your search.
Note: This functionality is not to be used to replace elements such as tax cells, conditions and operators. When these elements are modified using the Replace command, they become plain text with no special properties.