Taxprep Forms 2020.4.0

Print copies for recipients to a separate PDF file

When printing slips in PDF format, you can choose to print copies for recipients to a separate PDF file to facilitate the distribution of those copies thereafter.

To do so, you must select the option Create separate PDF files for each recipient.

You will then have access to two options that will only apply to copies intended for recipients:

Syntax for separate PDF files

By clicking , you will display the Syntax for Separate PDF Files dialog box where you can select the options used to name PDF files for recipients, as well as the order in which these options will be used.

Here are the various options offered:

To configure the syntax of the PDF files, proceed as follows:

1. Select () the desired options to name the PDF files;

2. Click or to change the order of the options.

Security for separate PDF files

You can choose to protect the PDF copies intended for recipients separately from those intended for the issuer and the tax authority.

The following options are offered with respect to password selection:
No password