Taxprep for Trusts 2022.3.0

Print Slips

Printing of the T3 and NR4 slips, as well as RL 16, is available for the active client file from the Returnview and for a group of client files from the Client Manager.

You can print the slips in different ways, depending on where the operation takes place:

Print slips during printing of the returns

Printing of the returns is based on the use of the print formats. If you want to print slips during the printing of the return for trusts, ensure that the choice If applicable is defined with regards to these slips for the Print when? setting in the default print format.

The T3 slips can be printed in three different formats: preprinted, facsimiles and as displayed on screen, while NR4 and RL 16 slips can be printed in facsimile. Several preprinted forms and facsimiles are available on the list of forms used for print format management purposes. Each form contains the print setting of one or several slip copies. For example, printing of the T3 slip in preprinted format must be made on two preprinted forms: the first form must contain copy 1 of the T3 slip and the second, contains copies 2, 3 and 4 of the T3 slip.

If the slips have been transmitted electronically, you will have to adjust your print formats to prevent the slips from printing with the returns.

To know how to create or modify a print format, consult the "Create a Print Format" and "Edit a Print Format" help topics.

Print slips while printing forms

The printing of the slips can be done the same way as the printing of the forms. For example, you can print copies of the T3 and NR4 slips or RL-16 of a beneficiary when displayed or you can print all the selected slip copies for the beneficiaries from the Form Manager.

Print slips with the Print Slips command

Taxprep for Trusts allows you to print the slips another way with the Print Slips command. The main difference between this print command and the print commands of returns and forms is that you can only print one type of slips with one type of specific data. For example, with the Print Slips command, you can print the T3 slips whose type of is "Original."

When printing the active return, this command also allows you to print slips in PDF format. When you print the slips in PDF format, you can choose to print all copies of the slip in a single PDF file or create separate PDF files for the copies intended for beneficiaries.

This print method allows you to print slips for the active client file or for several client files.

Note: The "Summary" forms of the slips cannot be printed using the Print Slips command.

Printing of slips sent by Internet or on magnetic media

In the case where you transmit by Internet or on magnetic media the copy 1 of the T3 and NR4 slips and RL-16, the copy 1 of these slips must not be submitted in paper format to the tax authorities.

If you have indicated that you want to transmit by Internet or on magnetic media, the RL-16 in the preparer profile used, it is recommended to proceed with the transmission of the RL-16 before printing them so that an RL number is attributed to each RL-16.

Taxprep for Trusts allows you to print RL-16 without slip numbers; however, they will not meet the requirements of the tax authorities.