Taxprep for Trusts 2021.2.0

Condition Structure

A basic condition is generally made up of three elements: the element to be compared, a comparison operator, as well as a test value.

[Line 50 minus line 55. This is the trust's taxable income.]>1000.00

Although the element to be compared is often a cell in a form, it could also be a function within the list of available functions. For example, with the GetReturnStatus() function, you can set up a condition which allows you to select all the client files containing returns with a "Rolled forward" status:

GetReturnStatus() = "Rolled forward"

In addition, a condition can be made up of several cells and operators.

[Deemed realizations (line 42 of Form T1055) - Income] <> 0.00 OR [Total deemed taxable capital gains (allowable capital losses) from deemed realizations - line 20] <> 0.00

Advanced options

Use last year’s value

When this option is selected, the condition will use last year’s value instead of this year’s value.

This can be useful if you want to check to see if an amount was entered in the prior year for a specific cell.

Note: The prior year value for a given cell is only available if the file was rolled forward from a prior year Taxprep file. Therefore, when creating a filter or a diagnostic with a condition using prior year data, you must first verify if your file contains prior year data. A function is available to identify when a file contains prior year data: HasLastYearData().

HasLastYearData() = “True” AND [LastYear(Line 50 minus line 55. This is the trust's taxable income.)]>1000.00