CCH iFirm - General

This panel groups the integration options of CCH iFirm and its different functionalities.

CCH iFirm site


Allows you to input your firm's CCH iFirm site address. This address is required to use the integration functionalities.

Creating links

Prompt to link these taxpayers with a CCH iFirm contact

Allows you to define the types of taxpayers for whom a diagnostic must display by default. This diagnostic prompts you to create a link with a CCH iFirm contact. In addition, when creating links in batch, the application prompts you by default to link the types of taxpayers selected. To prevent the display of this diagnostic, clear all check boxes.

You can at any time establish a link with the help of the CCH iFirm menu in the Advanced toolbar. 

Select the field to use to search for a CCH iFirm contact

Allows you to select the field to use during the search and the creation of a CCH iFirm contact.

Transfer the SIN during synchronization of data

Allows you to synchronize the social insurance number of a taxpayer with that of the linked CCH iFirm contact.

Verify if there is data to synchronize when opening a client file

Allows you to verify the CCH iFirm contact's data when opening a client file in order for Personal Taxprep to inform you if the CCH iFirm contact's and the Personal Taxprep taxpayer's data no longer correspond. You can disable this option if you notice a slowdown when opening your client files.