Personal Taxprep 2019.5

Print Settings

The following print settings can be set within a print format:

"Copies" setting

This setting specifies the number of copies of the form to print. The number of copies by default is one copy. The maximum number of copies is nine. 

"Print when?" setting

This setting specifies whether or not the form should be printed when returns are being printed, even if the form is not applicable. The choices offered in this box are:  

  • If applicable: This choice indicates that the form will be printed if it must be filed with the tax return in accordance with government requirements.
  • Never: This choice indicates that the form must never be printed regardless of whether it must be filed with the return or not.
  • Always: This choice indicates that the form must always be printed regardless of whether it is required for purposes of filing the return or not.
  • Unknown: This choice is only available for customized print formats. It is displayed for new forms when converting print formats. It indicates to the program that the form must not be printed regardless of whether or not it is required for purposes of filing the return.

"Printer" setting

This setting specifies which printer will be used. The choices available in this box are the program default printer and the other Windows installed printers.

"Paper source" setting

This setting specifies which paper tray containing paper will be used for the printing. The suggested paper trays vary depending on the selected printer.

Note: In a print format, at the end of the list of included forms, it is possible to choose to include CCH Scan PDF files and all PDFs attached to the return. In those situations, the PDF printer must be selected for printing and the following settings cannot be changed: Copies, Printer and Paper source.