Personal Taxprep 2019.4

How to Download Tax Data with TaxprepConnect

You can download taxpayers' tax data using the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Auto-fill T1 return service and Revenu Québec Tax Data Download for a single client file at a time.

The tax data download is split into three main milestones: data download, tracking the progress of the download as well as the review of the downloaded data and its transfer to the tax returns in the client file.

By default, Personal Taxprep will prompt you to use TaxprepConnect the first time a client file is opened after roll forward. However, to download tax data to the current client file, proceed as follows:

    Downloading data to the current client file

  1. In the File menu, click TaxprepConnect Download.
    The TaxprepConnect Download dialog box displays.
  2. Tip: You can also click the Download button in the right side corner of the status bar or the Download button in Form TaxprepConnect Download (Jump Code: CONNECT).
  3. Select the taxpayer(s) whose tax data you want to download.
    If applicable, consult the section relating to errors to prevent rejection during download.
  4. Note:
    • Must have the taxpayer's SIN and a valid Form MR-69 in RQ's files for the taxpayer; or
    • Must have the taxpayer's SIN and a download code, which allows you to download a taxpayer's tax data. This code is only valid to download data for the current taxation year.
  5. Click Download.
    If you selected the federal tax data download, you must review the CRA message before continuing.
  6. Click Connect to the CRA.
    A Web browser opens in another page.
  7. In the displayed CRA's Represent a Client welcome page, enter the authentication information allowing you to access this service, then click Login.
  8. Tracking Download Progress

    Once certain verifications are made by Personal Taxprep, the TaxprepConnect Download dialog box displays to inform you of the progress of the operation. Once download is complete, the colour of the progress bar displayed in the dialog box will change based on the operation's flow.

    • The colour red indicates that the TaxprepConnect download did not work and no data has been downloaded. If this is the case, the TaxprepConnect download log will provide a description of the problem occurred and allow you to correct it before trying to download tax data again.
    • The colour yellow indicates that the TaxprepConnect download was performed and certain data was retrieved, but errors occurred. If this is the case, the TaxprepConnect download log will provide a description of the errors allowing you to correct them. You can then download the tax data again.
    • The colour green indicates that the TaxprepConnect download went well and the downloaded data is complete.
  9. Click the View button to review the downloaded data and transfer it to the return, or if a problem occurred during download, to review the TaxprepConnect download log.
  10. Note: The TaxprepConnect download log is always available, even when a download was successful.

    Verification and transfer of the downloaded data

    Unless the TaxprepConnect download fails, once download is complete, all data downloaded for the current taxpayer will be available in Form TaxprepConnect Download (Jump Code: CONNECT). If you decided to use Form T3 Slips Reconciliation (Jump Code: CONNECT T3 REC) and/or Form T5008 Slips Reconciliation (Jump Code: CONNECT T5008 REC), all data relating to the T3, T5008 and/or RL-16 slips will only be available in those forms.

  11. Review the data downloaded in the TaxprepConnect Download form and, if applicable, in Form T3 Slips Reconciliation and Form T5008 Slips Reconciliation. During data review, you can choose, for each section, whether or not you want to transfer the taxpayer's downloaded data. To indicate to Personal Taxprep the sections for which data must be transferred, select the check box under the Transfer (x) column in the appropriate sections.
    If the downloaded data relates to slips, consult the page Additional Information Regarding Downloaded Data before transferring data to the taxpayer's return at the next step.
  12. Click the Transfer button to transfer data downloaded to the taxpayer's return.
  13. Repeat the last two steps for the return of each of the taxpayers for whom tax data has been downloaded.


  • Once the data is transferred, it will be identified by a different cell colour in the return. You can use the "Data transferred after TaxprepConnect download" Xpress filter to quickly locate it.
  • Once the operation is completed and the data is displayed in Form TaxprepConnect Download you can still see the date (by hovering the icon) of the last download in the status bar of each client file, as applicable. This date will also be available in Form TaxprepConnect Download and Form File Identifier Workchart (Jump Code: FILE)