Personal Taxprep 2019.1

CCH Accountants' Suite - CCH Scan

This panel contains the integration options and various functionalities of CCH Scan.


Activate the link between Taxprep and CCH Scan

Activate the use of the CCH Scan functionality from the drop-down menu and the toolbar.

Activate the search for PDF documents when opening client files

Activate the search for new PDF files when opening a client file.

Activate archiving of the PDF documents

Activate automatic archiving in a pre-selected directory of PDF files found in the search directory for each of the returns in the client file.

Continue with importing recognized data during a search

Prompt Personal Taxprep to automatically import data extracted from the PDF documents. The application will link the bookmarks of the PDF document to the corresponding forms and will import data according to the selected method.

Automatically save the modified PDF documents

Enable automatic saving of modified PDF documents upon closing them. When this option is selected, the dialog box no longer displays.

Search location of the PDF documents

Select the search location of the PDF documents

Indicate the location selected for the search, i.e. the location where the PDF documents generated by the CCH Scan program are or in the location where you saved the PDF documents that you want to attach to the client file.

Archiving location of the PDF documents

Select an archiving location for the PDF documents

Indicate the location selected for archiving, i.e. the location where you want to save the PDF documents generated by the CCH Scan program before it deletes them from the search directory.

Archive in the same location as the client file

Allows you to archive PDF files in the same directory as the client file.

Cover Pages

Cover pages syntax to generate PDF documents

Allows you to determine the various options that will be used to name the printed cover pages for the purpose of using CCH Scan, as well as the order for those options. This syntax will be used to name PDF documents that will be generated by the CCH Scan program.

Note: The SIN must be part of the name of the PDF document if you want to take advantage of the automatic search.

Extract data when generating PDF documents

Allows you to specify, as soon as the cover page is printed, if you want to extract data from the documents scanned with CCH Scan so they can be imported in the related copies of the Taxprep forms.