Personal Taxprep 2018.3.2

Notice: The information on this page is only for users of Personal Taxprep 2018. If you are using Personal Taxprep Classic 2018, consult the help available in the program.

About Preparer Profiles

Information about the preparer, among other things, must appear on certain forms, and this must be entered in a repetitive fashion. For example, the preparer’s identifying information appears at the bottom of the income tax return.

The forms available in a preparer profile allow you to provide information on your accounting firm and define certain settings with regards to the filing of returns, authorization forms, letters and billing.

The data entered in a preparer profile will be posted to the appropriate cells and used for calculation purposes.

The preparer profile that you select as default will be used to create new returns. However, you can select a preparer profile to be used instead of the one by default in each client file.

You can create several preparer profiles to meet your requirements. For example, a preparer profile in English and another one in French. You will then be able to select the appropriate preparer profile.