Personal Taxprep 2018.3.1

Notice: The information on this page is only for users of Personal Taxprep 2018. If you are using Personal Taxprep Classic 2018, consult the help available in the program.

Add a Password When Generating a PDF File

As the PDF files that you generate contain confidential data, we recommend you protect the files by adding a password.

If you chose to be prompted for a password when generating PDF files, a dialog box will display during the generating process. To protect a PDF file with a password , proceed as follows when this dialog box is displayed:

  1. In the Password box, enter the password.
  2. In the Confirm password box, enter the password again.
  3. Click OK.


  • The password is case-sensitive.
  • The password may contain a maximum of 15 characters.
  • Special characters (!, $, &, etc.) and those with accents (é, ê. à, etc.) are allowed.